Sunday, November 4, 2007

now accepting weatherman applications

Welcome to your formal invitation to bask in the glory of logic, a rare and incredible oppurtunity which is only afforded someone probably a million times in their lives. Well here's one for you. Take it or leave it.
The objective of this blog is simple. This should be a community of people saying, reading, thinking, and drawing the best of conclusions. This is what people used to call progress, but then that became a dirty word for terrorism. Well this is a political speak-easy.
I will do my best to keep this well maintained with input from my often rockky mind, but please feel free to share or if you prefer, observe from afar, but keep in mind, nothing can be acheived from the side lines.
We will understand out collective pasts, non-biasedly accept our faults at present, and collectively and consentually plan for our future.

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