Thursday, November 22, 2007

april fool birthday poem for grandpa

Today is your
birthday and I have tried
writing these things before,
but now
in the gathering madness, I want to
thank you
for telling me what to expect
for pulling
no punches, back there in that scrubbed Bronx parlor
thank you
for honestly weeping in time to
innumerable heartbreaking
italian operas for
pulling my hair when I
pulled the leaves off the trees so I'd know how it feels,
we are
involved in it now, revolution, up to our
knees and the tide is rising, I embrace
strangers on the street, filled with their love and
mine, the love you told us had to come or we
die, told them all in that Bronx park, me listening in
spring Bronx dusk, breathing stars, so glorious
to me your white hair, your height your fierce
blue eyes, rare among italians, I stood
a ways off listening as I pour out soup
young men with light in their faces
at my table, talking love, talking revolution
which is love, spelled backwards, how
you would love us all, would thunder your anarchist wisdom
at us, would thunder Dante, and Giordano Bruno, orderly men
bent to your ends, well I want you to know
we do it for you, and your ilk, for Carlo Tresca
for Sacco and Vanzetti, without knowing
it, or thinking about it, as we do it for Aubrey Beardsley
Oscar Wilde (all street lights
shall be purple), do it
for Trotsky and Shelley and big/dumb
Eisenstein's Strike people, Jean Cocteau's ennui, we do it for
the stars over the Bronx
that they may look on earth
and not be ashamed.

diane di prima

(do your homework, be surprised)

Monday, November 19, 2007

what’s real?

What are you all doing here, come on, let's hear some stuff.
I've got a nice little caudre of varied and interesting minds assembled and I would love to see what they have to say.
Remember, the objective of this blog is to compare ideas and get results.
I think I've gotten the ball rolling.
Also remember the rules, everyone be nice to other leftists.

Friday, November 16, 2007


1914-U.S. Marines loot the National Bank of Port au Prince, Haiti
1915-U.S. troops occupy Haiti to prevent Rosalvo Bobo, known for his anti-U.S. positions, from becoming president. This occupation lasts until August 1934 (19 years) using brutal measures to defeat the armed resistance of the Haitian people. The resistance is organized by the cacos and led by Charlemagne Peralte, until his murder by a U.S. Marine officer.
1994-In the name of democracy and free market expansion announced by the administration of Bill Clinton (1993-2000), U.S. troops (with the backing of the UN Security Council) intervene militarily in Haiti. Aside from it's proclaimed goals, the United States continues to gaurantee impunity for crimes committed by subsequent military governments following the bloody coup d'etat of 1990 that overthrew the constitutionally elected president, Jean Bertrand Aristide.

Do you know anyone from Haiti? Do you know what the people that you and your family voted for have done to them?

but it goes much deeper then that. let me put it to you like this. do you pay your taxes? if you do, then you are supporting war, genocide, exploitation, and corporate monopoly. do you sit on the republican and democrat fence because of those darned gays and uppity abortion supporters? does that make you uncomfortable because you're a "christian"? To hell with you and your "morals". your morals cost other peoples lives. YOU ARE PAYING OUR GOVERNMENT TO KILL PEOPLE AND GLORIFYING THEM FOR DOING IT. or have you gone through that first hurdle? you go democrat all the way. Who caused the bloodshed that your praying for in haiti? a US democrat. and you're going to vote for his wife aren't you? so she can make mandatory corporate slavery a reality. look into hillary's health plan. look into the ties between the bush and clinton families. look into plan colombia that you dear bill clinton started that is killing hundreds, look into the place called bosnia that he bombed with less congressional approval than bush, look into the blockade that kills cuban people that he strengthened. look into their funny tendency of campaign fraud and the means they go to cover it up. and you probably thought he was okay except for the fact that he cheated on his wife. you better wake the fuck up before you die in your sleep. you wanna help someone in haiti? do you even know the name of the island or how many times our troops have walked over it? there's 21 countries south of the rio grande, not counting the islands. our troops have landed in ALL OF THEM, and most of the islands for that matter. now you want to talk about democracy, you want to vote for a candidate who will protect the american job? it's really funny that you keep voting for people who bipass every attempt by the latin american people to improve their own situation. what would you do if your country was destroyed? what if the only place you could go was the country that did that? that sent troops to kill your father, brother, husband, wife, mother, baby, grandparent, loved one, friend?

there are many reason why people throughout the world think that americans are the rudest people in the world. many reasons more why they think we are stupid and that we have no respect for anything and think the world revolves around us. many reasons why most of you think i take politics too seriously. but if you think it is acceptable for you, being born into privelage that has been systematically stripped from all "weaker" peoples, to sit in your slef righteousness and pray for things to get better, to surrender to God people and conditions that you have no right to surrender, if you think it's acceptable for you to give up on the physical world and sit cross legged under the american flag and wait for God to come back and make everything right while YOUR representatives have been and continue to do these kind of things around the world, you'd better hope God takes a little while to get here. you are as guilty as anyone and your apathy will not save you. i'm not trying to downplay the power of prayer, i have seen it first hand, but i again am insulted by the beleif that God wants us to watch the whole damn world burn and blame it on him. think about your reasons, they probably aren't worth it.

we are missing persons until we are counted in the streets. and the next time i hear someone say something about "our jobs" or complain about immigrants trying to get a free ride i'm likely to go off.

read, think, act.

all dates can be found in any history book. i took these ones from 100 Red Hot Years. if you want to know about any of our other interventions/masacres like the real september 11THS! i would be happy to tell you.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Ron Paul Revolution? An Anti-Libertarian Manifesto.

I think not.

Okay, maybe he is a little revolutionary, he's the most economically liberal and morally conservative candidate i think i've ever heard of, but before all you kids get all excited about voting for someone that has the word "revoltuion" on their campaign signs, take a few minutes to consider the following.

Ron Paul is considered a constitutionalist. That's funny, because he's so in favor of criminalizing abortion that he wants to overturn the Roe Vs. Wade case, the landmark decision that stated in 1973 that abortion was an should be federally protected as a constitutional right so for whatever reason so long as the fetus could not survive outside of it's mother's womb. His colleagues say that he always votes down constitutional lines, but that seems to be somewhat of a catch given that the constitution supports abortion.

Fucking Rudy Giuliani is pro-choice. give me a break!

Next. Ron Paul is in favor of FREEDOM! You know, that word that if you look at someone and say, "freedom", they'll look back at you and say, "freedom? I'm free? I'm free! I am!" It doesn't matter if they really are or not. It's a neat american trick. tell the people they're free, and they'll really beleive you for no goddamn reason. When Ron Paul says he's in favor of supporting freedom, or personal freedom, he's making reference to that other neat american trick that i like to call, the 14th ammendment. the one that was "supposed" to protect the rights of african americans after the end of the civil war and make sure that they had due process and equal access. But since govenrment is such a fickle fish when you're so full of shit you can't see straight, this ammendment ended up protecting corporations and their ability to identify as a single entity, or person. the laws of mental stability and behavior in society do not apply to these corporate people entities, and it basically established for our country the legal protection and formation of a cartel style regulated market. even capitalists know that the unseen hand can't do it alone. someone's gotta defend that cash flow. that explains the whole nicaragua thing right? oh yeah.
so...when Ron Paul says he's in favor of personal freedoms, ask yourself why he's in favor of limiting the governments power, destroying federal offices, and liberalizing the market even further? i know our government is untrustworthy right now, but do you trust wal mart more? or maybe you're more of a haliburton type freedom lover? didn't think so.
the basis to the socialist argumanet, the very rational reason why corporations and incorporated entities can not be trusted with our livelihoods is because they're so hard to regulate. the truth of the matter, is that if we as americans really gave a shit, we could have made something happen with our government a long time ago. we have the right, we're even encourgaed in a lot of constitutional verses. they have to listen to us. coca cola does not. if coca cola does something that we don't like, it's the same as if i do something that no one else likes. if you can't prove that it's hurting you, than too bad.

third. redeeming qualities. apposed to the war in iraq. apposed to the patriot act. supports an overall non-interventionist international policy.

that sounds pretty good. but how many people running for president are not singing at least a similar song?

how about this one? withdrawl from NATO and the UN? how about no amnesty for illegal alliens? that means that your friends from across the street that are living in a modern american nightmare and can't get a green card get an all expenses paid trip back to belize, probably in hand cuffs or something kinky like that. And if they had a child and they thought the child would be a US citizen because it was born in the US and that only makes sense and all, well not in Ron Paul's america, damn it. Once a beaner, always a beaner, says Mr. Paul. I paraphrase. i know the UN has it's problems right now, and i know americans love to talk shit about it, but let's really be objective here for a minute. the United Nations represents the last big push by sovereign nations in a progressive and decent direction. it's also on US soil, because we were really behind it for a while a long time ago, so what happens to it when we decide no girls allowed or whatever our new brainwashed international policy would be under executives like Ron Paul? What happens to all the other countries we've been dicking for the last century and a half that come to New York to plead with countries like us to stop dicking them? on one hand, maybe they'd divert back to a more league of third world nations approach which would be cool, but would deffinately lead to a hell of a lot more conflicts, tensions, and blood shed.

the point is, if the US decides they don't need to act their age and play nice with the UN and respect international law, why should we as citizens play nice with them and respect our national law? international law is the only thing that safegaurds the human rights we continue to violate, the international peace and sovereignty we continue to shatter, and the illusion of porgress that we continue disspell. After the League of Nations was destroyed, the world entered into a new period of instability and danger, and it was only after the formation of the UN that things started to make sense again. Also, a fun history point. Who was one of the first people to propose isolation, give the finger to international law and the international community, and withdraw from the League of Nations?
If you guessed Adolf Hitler, you are -U-S-fucking-A-right-

What else is their to say? Unfortunately, too much is needed to show the people that different is not always better, and can often be substantially worse. Ron Paul is in favor of decriminalizing pot. That's cool. No really, I mean it, I'm in favor of that. I'm not as in favor of who he'd probably propose distributing it.

"What are you doing?"
"Oh, you know, just running down to Walgreens to pick up a dime sac."
"That shit's shwag, what about Tommy?"
"He got shot for selling without a license."

He's also apposed to gun control, which I for the most part am too, but again, let's thing about the platform with the overall campaign. Of course he's in favor of gun owner's rights, guns are always needed in Laissez-faire capitalism, because in the absence of any kind of governance with no social contract or national ethics to speak of, and with major multi national corporations making the decisions that put you and your family out on the streets and you not having way to vote them away from such measures, you're fucking gonna need a gun. Probably several guns, and as cheap and illegally as possible. Wow, in Ron Paul's america, you could probably get your guns, drugs, and food from the same corporate bread line monopoly. How convenient.

HE'S A RAEGANITE!!! Why do these outdated and bizzare ideas appeal to a new generation of americans? They were backwards and fucked up then, and they won't work now any better than they did then.

Imagine all the things that the government does that you don't like.
Now imagine all the things that government does that you do like, or that you at least see as neccesary or reasonable in todays day and age.
Now picture them all being gone.
That sounds fucked up to me. And I'm a pretty radical guy that spews some radical shit, but that's some genuine libertarian bullshit.

He promises to never raise taxes. That sounds good, right? "Oh, money spend, bad! Government make spend, bad bad!" Well, would you like to have socialized or single pay health care? than you like taxes. Did you watch Do you think the US and UN should do something about Darfur? Africa in general? Than you're probably in favor of taxes. maybe even a national service draft where you have to work for the country for a year or two in some capacity. Do you like public education, or would you rather all children be subjected to a private education monopoly? than you're probably in favor of taxes.

When we talk about taxes, keep in mind that all are tax money is going to really stupid shit right now, and the system needs to be restructured, but again, we have very little to say about it because we let it happen. The answer is not to say no more taxes, no more government, no more this or that. You don't throw out the concept of public education just because ours has gone stale. public education is a great thing, and a cornerstone of true democracy and the right to knowledge. health care is on the other hand something that we can now see really does need to change to a different track of existance. And if we close the door on the world, all the pictures that make us cry because bad people do bad things and no one stops them, well, that will probably get worse. All these things are neo liberal and conservative failures. what america needs is some policies that add up in the capacity they aim to fill. socialize it. no middle ground. make it work. we have the means to do it right now. why are so many people suffering when we have the money and the infrastructure to prevent it? why are people getting high school diplomas that aren't worth the papaer they're printed on? Why are people in Darfur suffering under a weak but cruel fundamentalist Chinese backed regime while the poeple in Saudi Arabia and Russia are suffering under a well outfitted and US backed capitalist regime? are these middle way answers going to solve any of these problems? not likely. is giving more power to money going to help? you've really got to be clinically ill and hysterical to think so.

the writing's on the wall.
read it.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

now accepting weatherman applications

Welcome to your formal invitation to bask in the glory of logic, a rare and incredible oppurtunity which is only afforded someone probably a million times in their lives. Well here's one for you. Take it or leave it.
The objective of this blog is simple. This should be a community of people saying, reading, thinking, and drawing the best of conclusions. This is what people used to call progress, but then that became a dirty word for terrorism. Well this is a political speak-easy.
I will do my best to keep this well maintained with input from my often rockky mind, but please feel free to share or if you prefer, observe from afar, but keep in mind, nothing can be acheived from the side lines.
We will understand out collective pasts, non-biasedly accept our faults at present, and collectively and consentually plan for our future.